First Career Steps: Meeting with Students of King Danylo University

First Career Steps: Meeting with Students of King Danylo University

On 30 November 2023, Olga Yatsiuk, HR Generalist at NetLS, gave a lecture: "Life after graduation: the main insights on finding the first job". This event is a free initiative organized in partnership with King Danylo University (Ivano-Frankivsk) for students of Software Engineering Specialty.


Olga has over 8 years of HR experience, including 5 years in IT, and has conducted over 1000 interviews.  The expert spoke about market trends and employment prospects, job search strategies, difficulties that candidates may face, soft skills that should be developed, professional ethics, etc. 


The students enthusiastically responded asking always relevant questions about the need for a previous job experience, the importance of specialized education and narrow specialization, how to respond to rejections, and how to request feedback. 


The NetLS team holds such events regularly, as we believe that such meetings are informative and motivating, and help young professionals feel more confident, expand their capabilities, and create additional grounds for a successful career.


Dmytro Ivashchuk