How to Keep Your Clients?

How to Keep Your Clients?

When the initial promotion of the site and services is behind, sales are growing, the customers you support can share their service experience. At the same time, internet marketers, SEO agencies, or professionals to whom you turn have another difficult task ahead of them - feedback and further collaboration.

Prior to the first purchase, it was only necessary to convince the potential customer of the benefits of the advertised product or the quality of services provided. But when a customer tests a product or service and has an opinion, he becomes:

  1. Satisfied customer
  2. Dissatisfied customer
  3. Neutral customer

So, let's go through each of them and describe what to do when they return:

1) Satisfied customer

If the sales plan exceeds expectations and is successful, as well as marketing, the partner should be positive and will continue to work together. That is why, it is recommended to send news and promotions of your site from time to time, and provide great unique offers (or certain discounts).

What to offer such clients if search engine optimization has been implemented:

  • support of the CEO
  • adding new topical content to the site
  • remarketing in contextual advertising
  • SMM promotion
  • email newsletters

It is important not to overwhelm the customer with information, and not to be too intrusive so as not to lose a potential customer or turn him into a dissatisfied customer.

2) Neutral customer

After the work is done, the customer can not determine whether he liked the services or the product, or would like to use the services you provide, such as ordering site development. So, to make neutral customers the first type, you should do the following:

  • fill the site with new content
  • remarketing / retargeting in contextual advertising
  • interest effect (adding new functionality to the site)
  • interface updates and usability analysis
  • advantageous promotional offers in the e-mail newsletter

You should also not oversaturate the client with information, even if you think it is very cool, because then he easily finds himself in the 3rd category (Dissatisfied customer).

3) Dissatisfied customer

Such person bought the product and promised not to repeat the purchase, and even more - he left a negative comment, which does not fit into the overall picture of your business. To neutralize the effects, you should do the following:

  • “mystery shopper service” to analyze the quality of service and customer behavior
  • search for incorrect information that does not match or deceives certain customer expectations
  • reputation management in the SERM network, tracking negative information
  • personal communication and solving a problem that did not satisfy the client

Resolving all the issues of such a client will make him, if not loyal, so at least neutral.

Contact our specialists for the support:

+38 (093) 310 59 80


Liubomyr Ruchenchyn