Dedicated Development Team. Why does a business need it?

Dedicated Development Team. Why does a business need it?

In today's fast-paced digital environment, businesses are constantly striving to stay ahead of the competition... You'll probably see such template headlines in every article nowadays, although it's partly true, that technology has been developing very rapidly over the past 100 years. We have a slightly different philosophy, it is better not to be ahead of the competition, but to be far ahead of them in advance with an expert team that can optimize processes and increase efficiency and capabilities.

Now you are probably thinking about finding those with the experience and skills to work with complex technological solutions and challenges quickly so that deadlines are not missed and product development does not end up in a fiasco due to incompetent engineers.

We at NetLS have found a solution - a Dedicated Development Team.

A Dedicated Team is a group of software developers (PM, Team Lead, or Architects and Engineers) who work exclusively on a client's project. Unlike traditional outsourcing models, where developers can work on several projects at the same time, which can lead to a decrease in product quality, a dedicated team focuses exclusively on the client's requirements and goals. In addition, this model provides for the possibility of creating a special infrastructure for such a team in a separate office, i.e., an offshore development center.

What are the benefits of a dedicated team for business?

Cost-effectiveness. Hiring a specialized development team is more cost-effective than building your own team. With an in-house team, you will have to bear additional costs such as recruiting, onboarding, infrastructure, and employee benefits. When it comes to a specialized team, overhead costs are offset by the solution provider, which allows you to save up to 25% of the budget for the team and up to 15% by working in one office equipped with everything you need.

Scalability: The main advantage of this model is the flexibility of scaling, at the start you get 3 engineers from the provider's internal teams, which is effective in itself, because these are people who already work together in a team and are effective. Speaking about scaling itself, it usually takes 21 days to expand the team qualitatively. Or up to 90 days if we launch our own training center with block training for your project, which depends on what strategy will be used to increase the existing team.

Access to expertise. Finding and retaining talented developers is a challenge, especially in a highly competitive environment, and if you're a development manager, a lack of talent can be a critical factor in ensuring your project's success. Cooperating with NetLS, in addition to the team, you get great opportunities, namely access to a large pool of talent, because we are a stakeholder in 2 international universities in Ukraine and one regional university (King Danylo University, University of Oil and Gas, Precarpathian University) and you can freely use the skills of our talents to create reliable solutions and better cost-effectiveness, which makes force majeure impossible.

In our opinion, this factor is the main difference and advantage of the dedicated team model compared to hiring your team.

Faster time to market. A dedicated team that works exclusively under the client's control allows us to speed up the software development process because with the same budget, the number of candidates for the release of working functionality is 33% higher compared to the budget for an in-house team in the client's market, which will allow the client to enter the market faster and gain a competitive advantage.

24/7 development. Since all teams are located in Ukraine, we can overlap the work time of your own developers or another remote team by using different time formats (from 9 or 13 Kyiv time) of engineers per team, which allows the provider side to overlap a time period of 12 hours. This allows the development process to work virtually around the clock, providing faster turnaround time and greater productivity.’

Dedicated development team or an in-house team?

Based on our clients' feedback, the main reason for their need for a dedicated team and product is not even economic profitability, but a banal lack of highly qualified specialists in the client's market. The factor of expert units in the technological process plays a crucial role, as it will determine the success of the entire product and the timing of its implementation.

We conducted our research by interviewing 50 companies from various industries, and we can say that it takes a company 8-12 weeks to create an on-site team of engineers.

We shorten the team selection process to 3 weeks with the possibility of expanding the formed team with talents who have already dealt with a similar pool of tasks within 21 days, which will guarantee a shorter adaptation period. Also, NetLS can train Junior-level specialists specifically for your project within up to 3 months, and we provide a pool of talent for the client's approval.

This is where specialized development teams shine, providing you with the best of both worlds - the availability of talent and the quality of resources that allow you to build a team that is as good as your in-house team. This fact contributes to the growing demand for dedicated software development teams.

How to build a dedicated team? Leave it to NetLS and here's why

The concept of a dedicated team has been around for over 20 years, so when it comes to finding a specialized development team, partnering with a reputable company will have the following benefits:

Notice and termination periods. In relations with freelancers, notice periods are usually shorter and more flexible than with in-house employees and depend on the terms of the contract with the agency. Dismissals are usually less frequent, as the relationship between the company and the outstaffing agency is governed by a contract that contains provisions for the termination or reassignment of outstaffing employees to other tasks.

High-quality development. The provider practices the creation of teams in separate offices specifically for the client's project, so we improve the delivery process every time and control the level of productivity of each engineer and the team as a whole. This solution ensures better concentration of the entire team on product development, delivery of updates and functionality, and simplifies communication with the client's internal team.

Speed and efficiency. The main role in the structure of a dedicated team is played by a project manager who controls the development, execution, and delivery of releases. The project manager plays a crucial role in coordinating the team's work, setting clear goals, ensuring alignment with the organization's objectives, and managing any risks or issues that may arise, making a dedicated team a better solution than regular out staff.

The best infrastructure. Dedicated development centers have a modern and reliable infrastructure for complex and long-term projects. We have the necessary tools and certifications, technologies, and development environments to ensure smooth project execution and successful results.

Operational and financial benefits. Operational and financial benefits. This partnership will allow you to focus on your core business while reducing your software development costs through reduced overhead and enjoying the difference in financial savings you get by choosing a Dedicated Team. The team's RM will prepare a detailed report on the team's performance and its advantages compared to similar units in your market every six months. Overall, you will have the opportunity to leverage experience, resources, and efficient processes to achieve operational and financial benefits for your company.

If you are still unsure which cooperation model is best for you, our "cost calculator" will help you weigh the main components that are important for your project and we will prepare a solution that meets your requirements.

Dmytro Ivashchuk